Leibster Award.


Thank you so much The Wounded Healer for nominating me for the Liebster Award. It really means a lot to me! Hoping this will enhance my blogging experience and encourage me to keep blogging.

11 Things About Me –

1) I am an all in one Wife & Mother of three grown ups.
2) I am always anxious about the next minute.
3) Love cooking,baking and gardening apart from writing.
4) Family is my priority.
5) I spend my leisure on Books,photography,Movies and music.
6) I am Dressy and fond of Shopping.
7) Love to Travel (Inland and Abroad)
8) I’m very possessive and love pampering my Husband and children.
9) I believe, happiness is the key to everything.
10) My greatest happiness is to make others feel happy.
11) Lastly, I am a strong believer of God Almighty.

Now, About the 11 Questions I had to Answer-

1) What is the one thing you’d always want to be?
A designer.
2) Which celebrity would you want to meet in real life?
Not very fond of,but of course if Princess Diana was alive.
3) What does wealth mean to you?
Nothing is permanent.
4) What are the top 5 books you could read over and over again and never feel bored?
I would prefer  Comic books like Archie’s. Rather than other books.If I were to repeat read.
5) What is your wildest dream ever?
Becoming invisible.
6) If you were to visit a new country, what would be the first thing to interest you?
The People.
7) If I ask you to tell me about 5 things you love, what would they be?Apart from my family,
Gardening, Cooking,Pets,Traveling,Reading.
8) What, do you think is the most precious thing of all?
Good health.
9) If you had the power to change only one thing, what would that be?
Heal the world from bloodshed and War.
10) What scares you the most?
11) If you were asked to spread your message to the world, what would that be?
Well…I would ask the World to STOP invading Peace loving countries and STOP provoking Terrorism.

Now 11 questions I would ask my nominees-

1) What is your overall life goal?
2) If you have a really bad day, what’s the one thing that can brighten it up?
3) When did you catch the travel bug,if you love travelling?
4) What’s the one thing you cannot travel without?
5) What’s the worst thing that has ever happened to you on a trip?
6) Do you have a memorable (cultural) experience?
8) Have you been somewhere that turned out to be completely different to what you imagined?
9) Is there something you do (routine etc.) when away from home that you wouldn’t do otherwise?
10) Which comforts of home do you miss most when on the road?
11) If you could do anything to make this world a bit better, what would it be?

I hope you’ll like my questions. These just occurred in my mind.

Here are the rules for the Liebster Award, in case you don’t know what to do (I didn’t know them myself) :
1) Thank the blog who nominated you and link back to them.
2) Make a blog post telling 11 facts about you,
3) Answer the 11 questions from the blog who nominated you, and
4) Prepare 11 questions for those you will nominate.
5) Nominate 11 new bloggers (those who have less than 200 followers) by commenting in one of their blog posts.


Much love.

14 thoughts on “Leibster Award.

    • Hi Thank you,hope you like the questions as well,I too had the same problem . The person who nominated me suggested me to copy and paste my link on the post.Hope its correct.


  1. Pingback: The Liebster Award | Life Stories and Beyond

  2. Pingback: Liebster Award!! – Simple Gifts and Truths

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