ME becoming Invisible !!


Hello folks!
Here’s something that I remembered while answering the questionnaire sent by The Wounded Healer for Leibster Award.Which I did not mention in my answer script. Just thought of sharing it with you on this post.
The question was,
(5) What is your Wildest dream ever ?
And my answer to that was Becoming Invisible.
Going down memory lane….
This term of Becoming Invisible was more or less a frequent term that I often used with my children when they were quite small.
I literally used it as a trump in order to discipline them , They too believe that I had super Powers and keep quiet, Until one day when I tried it on my youngest fellow ,He, ( might have been merely three years I guess), who’s more outspoken and witty, in a loud voice said-
“Mama ,for that , you have to Die and become a Ghost.”
My older two were astonished to hear him use the words DIE and GHOST on me ….
Whereas I was overwhelmed by his sharp and spontaneous response and couldn’t help my self from laughing.

Til next time 💛